Some people are better partners to their current lovers because of lessons they learned from an ex.

At times people may enter our life and prepare us to be better...for someone else.
People often discuss exes hindering the way we navigate future relationships. However, not all exes are created equal. Some actually make positive contributions and help you to become an improved version of yourself following the relationship.
You may have taken away useful life lessons from an ex. Maybe they introduced you to better habits, helpful ways of thinking, or made you more self-aware. Perhaps the great traits you bring to a current relationship were triggered by an old one?
Or maybe you've seen your ex flourishing in a new relationship and you know deep down that the person you broke up with was much better than the person you first met. Maybe you're someone who taught them positive lessons which are now helping them navigate their new relationship?
It might be a hard pill to swallow for some, but if you've helped a past lover become a better version of themselves, you've contributed to the happiness of their current / future lovers. It's not bad though. In an ideal world, we'd all walk away from relationships better off.
With that said, when I say "its not bad", that's with the caveat that you didn't become a worse version of yourself while helping them to become a better version. If you did, then yeah...that's bad, and that pill is EXTRA hard to swallow. đŸ˜–đŸ˜«
Ideally, two people should walk away from a relationship better off, even if there is hurt present. In a very ideal world, the hurt shouldn't outdo the positive contributions each person made to the other person's life. Even through any sadness, both can look back and smile.
Also, there’s always one who misconstrues so let me address something. I’m not suggesting it’s a partners responsibility to make their partner better. Self-improvement should always start with you. HOWEVER that doesn’t mean people never play a positive contribution to our life.
“MaKe YoUrSeLf BeTteR” - why do people assume that both can’t happen simultaneously? We can strive for self-improvement while a person also does things that may inevitably contribute to our improvement. All this thread is about is the fact improvements pass on from ex to next.
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