i’ve been retweeting stuff in regards to this situation, but decided to make my own tweet in hopes that my followers see this and can boost it. a man named kayshawn green has been catfishing people using robert’s photos for about 7 years now. these are his twitter and twitch page
he’s been using these accounts to talk to girls who he manipulates, gaslights, and has even blackmailed a few with pictures they trusted him with. every time robert catches him, he deletes everything and after awhile he starts back up again
update: he’s still streaming on his twitch and has yet to come clean about what he’s doing. i’m also very much under the impression that he is grooming children because i talked to someone from his twitch stream and they said they were young and a close friend of his
a lot of his fans seem to be most likely minors and i would not be surprised if he’s grooming them, as he is known to have talked to minors before. he’s around the age of 30, btw. it boils my blood that robert’s face is getting associated with all of this
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