finally starting atla with my little sister. generally i have excellent opinions but u guys have to promise not to put me in the stocks if i, out of ignorance, say something controversial or call the avatar child caillou
katara dragging sokka for gallivanting around with his child army while she has to keep everything together felt v real & cathartic to me, brown older brothers don’t have rights
we’re on the earthbenders in a mining village ep and i LOVE prison abolitionist katara
i didn’t expect the ending to be so hopeful omg they literally kill their jailers and sail off to start a rebellion??? godspeed guys
avatar roku destroying the temple was just delicious what a legend
civil disobedience against an oppressive state is just & necessary - avatar roku, after possessing aang for a bit so he could shoot cool flame columns through this false temple
the thing about jet is i looked at him & went oh hell yeah love a ragtag resistance group with a charming leader while my sister was immediately suspicious of him & this is why i would not survive any kind of high stakes fantasy adventure scenario
i know some don’t agree but i love it when tv shows spend an episode delving into the backstory of one or more characters via a sustained storytelling device in the present timeline that transitions into flashback scenes, which offer just enough info to keep the viewer interested
yes the fire nation is an oppressive imperial state but their food slaps....i would like to eat flaming fire flakes pls
pakku finally accepting katara as a waterbending pupil bc of a personal link to her but there being no indication yet that the overarching system of gender-based education will change is a critique of liberal feminism
we finished season one! excited to finally share the pop culture references to sokka’s girlfriend yue turning into the moon (also why was the engagement storyline even needed)
the northern water tribe’s aesthetics were cool as hell it’s a pity those icy city streets are paved with heteropatriarchy 😐
it’s almost def bc i didn’t grow up with this show & am watching as an adult but the only thing i “ship” so far is these kids & a nice safe environment + counseling sessions after they save the world. also zukka might slap
with this sword i slay the shit for brains earth kingdom general trying to attack literal children to win a war. unfortunately cannot do the same to all the people like him irl
azula is very chun li.mp3 isn’t she? actually i really think azula would be a barb
azula đŸ€ mai

not giving a shit about the wellbeing of their brothers
of all of zuko’s crimes, stealing the horse griffin thing from that sweet family is probably among the worst. you ate their food you teenage bastard
brown dudes accuse me of being too harsh and unforgiving towards them like i didn’t welcome sokka into my heart as a beloved son once he renounced the path of misogyny & learned to do cool fighting things
my sister: so are they really just mashing up different animals for these fantasy creatures like what

me: mentally doing the titanic pose with momo while flying appa
do you think azula had girl power. do you think she effectively utilized girl power by forming a powerful hit squad to destroy the earth kingdom resistance and capture the avatar
where is the kyoshi warriorship application portal please i must join. i’m in love
i identify as toph rising, kyoshi sun, and katara moon
thinking abt what dev patel as zuko could have been in the hands of a great director/screenwriter
toph is my daughter but she’s also me. idk how else to explain it
watching the episode about zuko’s family backstory with “uncle iroh is a war criminal” bouncing around in my brain the whole time
sometimes this show is a lot agdjfhjf can’t believe the professor dude was like yeah i think i want to get buried alive / die of starvation in this library because books & all the kids just went ....k [rest in] peace & flew out of there
also can people stop trying to kidnap appa like damn can an adorable flying buffalo live??? leave the best character in the history of television alone
maybe if the creators of atla read orientalism by my doctor uncle edward said they would have reconsidered before writing a mostly faceless & self-serving group of brown skinned “sandbenders” ~on the outskirts of civilization
jet fervently crushing on zuko and then going full mccarthy on him after being rejected... tale as old as time
appa’s lost days
that episode made me a waterbender in that i wept like the whole way through. shut up children’s media how dare u be this affecting
the ~vague middle eastern music when the sandbenders appeared & sitar strumming when guru pathik arrived though that was not it
i know jet was a would-be mass murderer but :( he was changing!!! his friends loved him!!
lmfaooo @ zuko doing one good thing and immediately passing out
the true definition of cancel culture is what’s going to happen to me when i publicly acknowledge that i think kataang and zutara would both be quite nice
toph spontaneously learning how to metalbend and then proclaiming herself the best earthbender in the world....a perfect child i have never in my life respected anyone like this
anyway we finished season 2 and i am extremely disappointed in zuko. demoting him from tentative son to dirtbag teen acquaintance again
are mai and zuko goth4emo or goth4goth
sometimes it’s very sad to me that azula is evil bc she’s so obviously a lesbian and my primal urge here is wholehearted support. but alas
i know some don’t enjoy it but personally i love when a character is unconscious for a long period of time after a battle & wakes up surrounded by their loved ones, who are all slightly different & preparing to undertake a new quest that will take the story in exciting directions
can’t believe there are people who dislike katara. this scene with her dad... that’s my daughter and i would do anything for her. someone get me a bedazzled moms rock fanny pack
something about aang having hair makes me think about those photos of white guys with waves. very sorry about this
katara and aang destroying the factory in the painted lady makes me feel very warm inside, what a beautiful sight
the painted lady appearing to katara: heyyy, don’t scream, thanks for taking all my shifts this week appreciate it
thinking about zukka being sword gays
sokka’s master has so many of my favorite fantasy tropes: training montages, Proving Oneself, cool mentor, & making ur own sword & then it’s even better bc it stars my SON and the sword is a SPACE SWORD
hakoda is in fact a dilf but i am identifying too strongly with these children i can’t even make this joke wholeheartedly
you think.... these kids want- a stepmom- [breaks down crying]
maizuko is 100% one of those relationships where a gay guy and a lesbian mistake their deep platonic affection for each other for romance like they just never had a friend before they met
also mai and ty lee are both obvious foils and sidekicks which means, according to every media precedent ever, they are meant 2 be
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