Before you complain about Ppl complaining about voltron in the she-ra/catradora tags, remember that members of the She-Ra team purposefully joined in on ship harassment in the voltron fandom early on before/around She-Ra's first season premier. dont act like they're not involved
For those of you who don't remember, a story board artist named Alice on the She-Ra team infamously liked, rt'd, and engaged in harassment w/ antis over klance on her twitter. Including shittalking VLD's crew despite many of them being her coworkers and industry leaders w/in DW.
Aside from being completely unprofessional and disrespectful to fans of Both Shows, it understandably deterred many people looking forward to she-ra from watching it. She would later on wipe her account, but fans never got news of any action done to rectify this.
Klantis/ Anti Klancers would purposefully use She-ra as a platform to bully Sheiths with on the basis of the ship being "abusive, incestuous, or unhealthy". yet would back CatraDora shippers even though Catra+Adora had a rocky, abusive, hateful relationship, grew up together +
While Sheith had only known each other since their teens, were not blood related, their relationship was nothing but mutually supportive and loving-- and sheiths were still bullied relentlessly.
So tell me again, how She-Ra isn't relevant to Voltron discourse.

go right ahead.
Or maybe y'all could just acknowledge the shittyness that came from your fandom, and the ways in which the vld and shera fandoms are interconnected, and stop trying to misrepresent everyone who ever liked VLD as a toxic abuser?
Much of sheras fandom CAME FROM VLDs, hypocrites.
Edit* When I say "catradora is abusive" i mean the canonical fist fighting, and attempts to kill each other AKA the literal sense of the word.
I actually love the ship ( i ship it myself) and anyone should ship it.
I just called it that because of the sheer irony. 1/2
Sheith is constantly labelled "abusive", despite
Shiro and Keith never laying a hair on each other except for HUGS.
Catra and Adora were at each others throats for 4 seasons, hurting each other physically + emotionally in canon, yet catradora is "healthy", "pure" and "wholesome"
Muting this now, but wow guys. Did not expect this to blow up. Super rad of you. <3
Honestly? There are toxic people in every fandom. Regardless of whether its a show, a movie, a book, or a comic.
The best thing you can do is just to enjoy it for yourself, and try to find good people to enjoy it with. They're out there too.
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