Propagation of “ Dravidian Christianity “ in previous conference of USCIRF.

Since 2000, the St.Thomas Dravidian Christianity hoax has been taken to public squares of TN.
Which are as follows

- All caste problems in Tamil Nadu were blamed on Brahmin-Aryan conspiracy, and Dravidian Christianity was offered as a solution
- Once caste was explicitly conflated with race . Proponents of Dravidian Christianity wrote to Durban anti-race confrenc that India was the mother of international racism

- propaganda material were published, declaring India as a Dravidian Christian nation
conferences in 2005 to 2008 went several steps further by claiming that Dravidian mysticism, Literature, sculpture and dance were really manifestation of Christianity and rooted work of St.Thomas.

Below gives a brief of few seminars
2000 Seminar on “ Dravidian Religion to eradicate Casteism “

Deivanayagam and institute of Asian Studies under John ySamuel orginesed a seminar with this innocent sounding goal.

It ended with a declaration
Dravidians should realise their historical greatness if they want to free them selves from the ongoing Aryan oppression

They should shun Hinduism, which has historic has been harmful for the great Dravidian identity

2001 : India Declared the mother of International Racism
At the UN world conference against “ Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Intolerance “ Deivanayagam and his Daughter Devikala distributed their book

“ International Racism is the Child of India’s casteism”.

The following were the conclusion
- Sanskrit came after Christianity, and it was created by Dravidians.
- St.Thomas brought early Christianity into India, but crafty Brahmins.particularly Adi Shankara, prevented it by introducing casteism into it.
- Racism was originated by the Aryan Brahmins of India , and it penetrated Christianity, which was already under white European , this happened cause they were made to beleive that they were also Aryan race
Deivanayagam attacked the Shankara mutts which were monasteries established in 9 century CE.

He claimed , the Brahmins established Shankara Mutts in the ninth century AD all over India to maintain Racism and casteism.
2004:” India is a Dravidian Christian Nation and Christins made Sanskrit “

Devakala published a 400 page guide book for field missionaries, titled

“ India is a Thomas-Dravidian Christian ?

This is nothing but a hate propaganda
The reads such as || The idea of Aham Brahmasmi meant God is in me - but cunning Shankara twisted it as “ I am God” ||

It also has Q/A for the field evangelical operatives

Q:What is the period of Sanskrit
A: Sanskrit belongs to 150 CE. Originated after Jesus
Q: What 7 languages from Sanskrit?
A: Tamil, Pali , Hebrew,Greek,Latin, Persian and Aramaic

Q: Who created Sanskrit language
A: Thomas created Sanskrit language. The purpose of Sanskrit was to help spread Christianity to other parts of India where Tamil was not spoken
Ref: Breaking India
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