all kinds of messed up. Wings immobile, and a tongue that seems to be broken as well. 🥺
Just the day before I was meditating on my porch and the bumblebees were all over. Flying so close to me that I could feel their wind.

It was very obvious that I needed to do something.
Since this babe was in such rough shape, I decided to give it a Reiki healing to either help it recover or aid in its smooth passing. I placed him in my left hand and cupped my right hand over him and channeled Reiki energy for about 30 minutes using my symbols. At this point-
there's only like 10 minutes left of my break and I figure well if it can't fly, how is it going to get nectar? So, cupping him in my left hand, I walked around the building looking for some flowers to leave it with. Which was SO DIFFICULT because they had just spayed herbicides-
the week prior so a lot of the spring flowers were gone. It was also like SUPER WINDY and cold at this point like the whole sky switched up on us. 😩 I found some. I brought him back and placed the flowers around him(which he seemed to give no fucks about😂). As I left it seemed-
walking better now and there was wing movement on both sides! 🥺 Definitely cried a little bit. Not only was nature speaking to me, but with Reiki, I had a way of speaking back and to offer a helping hand. The next day upon returning to this spot, my little bumblebee friend-
was nowhere to be found.
2 scenarios, the Reiki kept working further and it was able to go on and prosper, or it passed, turned into bird food as the circle of life is meant to go.

Either way, I like to believe I was of some help and comfort to a being in need. 🐝💛 (the end)
sidenote: walking back inside thinking about how @MuthaDivine told me part of my power is bringing back life from near death, or if needed assisting in a smooth transition...I see these 2 signs. Gratitude. 🐝💛
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