Okay I’m about to finally dig into this Harry Potter tonight!
Chapter one done. The boy who lived! But I knew about that line from a @chancetherapper lyric.
This Dudley character is a piece of work.
Back in the old cupboard for Harry.
On to chapter 3!
This letter seems pretty important. They should just let him read it.
uh oh Hagrid's back!
Oh no. Harry's parents 😓
This is just a hunch, but I think this Voldemort character is going to be pretty important moving forward. Stay tuned!
Big Development. Harry's going to this wizard school. Seems important.
It's called Hogwarts, which seems like a bit of a silly name. Shouldn't it be like the "school of Merlin" or something?
Thus, far I do not feel tempted to abandon the faith for Witchcraft. I think folks might have overreacted a bit back in the day.
There’s a whole chapter about buying school supplies? Not sure about this! Might have wait until the morning.
Okay, let me see what Harry is about to get into next.
I think I would avoid upsetting those goblins!
Plot twist. Harry’s rich!
Oh snap. Harry and Voldemort’s wands are connected. I told y’all he would be back. I knew it!
Ron’s in the House,
But where’s the girl hereomie?
Hermione just pulled up. She’s a real talker.
I’m back. Hey @jk_rowling this is really interesting so far. I see why its popular! FYI, I’m not I’m sure that I’d want to join a house called hufflepuff and slytherin seems to give away the game there so that’s a little sketchy too. Let’s see how it plays out.
Can we create a fifth house or is too late?
Wait there’s a black person in this book? Shout out to Dean Thomas doing magic for the culture!
Okay, here me out. Harry Potter, but instead of being modeled after Oxford we model it after an HBCU like Tuskegee or Howard and the houses are modeled after Black fraternities. We can keep the magic stuff too. We'll work that in somewhere.
Hey @jk_rowling I know that I've only seen his name, and read about 100 pages of the book, but I'm pretty sure that there's a market for a Dean Thomas goes to America and enrolls at Howard spin off. After Fantastic beasts is done, let's talk.
Calling the herbology professor Sprout is a bit on the nose, but what do I know? I've never written a best seller.
This Snape fellow seems to have an attitude problem.
What was in vault 713????!!!!!!!!
Draco Malfoy–not a fan. He needs to go through some stuff and get some perspective on life and treat people better.
This duel seems like a bad call.
Why didn’t young Harry have all courage when Dudley was beating him up? Like my mom said, he got a little magic and he’s feeling himself.
How many books are in this series?
Was it called a nimbus 2000 because back in the day that sounded futuristic?
So quiddish has two basically unrelated games going on at once?Chasing the little ball and trying to score with the larger ones? That’s like kicking fieldgoals and scoring touchdowns at the same time. People try to play this in real life? How sway!
And why have two random balls that are only designed to cause injury?
I don’t want to hear any #Harrypotter fans complaining about American Football. I’m sure that the danger of Brain injury is way higher in quidditch.
The boys seem largely to be mad at hermione because she’s better at stuff than them. Don’t hate on her because she put in the work! Don’t knock the hustle.
Harry and Ron are jerks!
Wife says Harry and Ron get a pass for being in middle school. To be honest I had lost track of their ages. I’ll have to think that over. Mean is mean and they were still hating on my girl H.
Okay, I’m calling it Angelina Johnson on the quidditch team is a black girl from the South, maybe Georgia.
Listen, that mirror and Harry’s family was a little too real, and Dumbledore out here discipling folks and giving life lessons about satisfaction.
2/3 of the book finished Character ranking
1. McGonagall
2. Dumbledore
3 Hermione
4. Harry
5. Hagrid
6 Ron
This dragon seems like it’s going to cause some problems. And Draco just keeps getting worse. I think his parents gave him all the stuff he wanted, but didn’t love him. He’s defined by his money. A clear cry for help. Somebody give the little fellow a hug.
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