Okay, I'm not going to get into the transgender thing. But a good starting place to understand Michelle Obama is to read her Princeton thesis #RealHistoryatHome https://twitter.com/msdph3/status/1261018797827395584
To quote Christopher Hitchens, this is a thesis, written for an Ivy League university no less, that is in "no known language." The woman was virtually illiterate. Affirmative action at its worst! #RealHistoryatHome
Also revealing is Michelle Obama's topic: "Being Black at Princeton." Yes, they give degrees for that. Although it's obvious she never belonged at Princeton, she whines about how people of the better sort like her are always having to prove themselves #RealHistoryatHome
I'm really surprised they haven't taken down Michelle Obama's thesis. It's available online! It is damning for Michelle, even more damning for Princeton. It shows that Princeton hands out degrees for what is obviously seventh or eighth grade work #RealHistoryatHome
I would not be saying all this if Michelle had changed. But no! She's the same peevish, entitled person she was at Princeton. She never had an original thought. The idea that she could be president is laughable. She deserves Obama and he deserves her #RealHistoryatHome
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