Black Conservatism vs. Colorblind Jewish Conservatism

"Colorblindness presumes everyone shares the same set of problems, histories & racial experiences. It sees the nation as a meritocracy, assumes equality, and sidesteps the complexities of race.”

—Professor Leah W. Rigueur
We are ol' friends,
in a strange land,
With familar enemies

"How shall we each sing the LORD'S song in this foreign land?"

We shall sing it together.
Ol' Friends

The Black Pharaoh Who Saved #Israel & Solomon's Temple

“At sixteen the boy pharaoh was called by the Hebrews for help, he led his armies against the Assyrians defeating them.”
This diversity that you mock
The multiculturalism that you ridicule
The bane of your sleepless nights ....

"Is coming for you"
"Now King Sennacherib had received report concerning King Tirhakah of Cush: “He has marched out to fight against you.” When he heard it, he returned and sent messengers to Hezekiah."

- 2 Kings 19:9
Ol' friends,
Familiar enemies.

The Black Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt's 25th dynasty and ruler of the Kingdom of #Kush.

Pharoh Taharqa (710-664 BC) is the Black Pharaoh (mentioned in the Bible) who saved Israel TWICE.
The Black Pharaoh of Cush/Sudan/Egypt has "marched out to fight against you" -- Sennacherib - King of Assyria.

He's coming for you...
Books 📚- The Kingdom of Kush: Handbook of the Napatan-Meroitic Civilization (Handbuch der Orientalistik)
📚 The Rescue of Jerusalem: The Alliance Between Hebrews and Africans in 701 BC
*Taharqa is described by Greek historian Strabo as having "Advanced as far as Europe" (citing Megasthen), even as far as the Pillars of Hercules in Spain.

*He is the saviour of the Hebrew people, as they are being besieged by Sennacherib (Isaiah 37:8-9, & 2 Kings 19:8-9).
Ol' friends...

"Tie these soft rags under your arms so that the ropes will not hurt you. Then fasten the ropes under your arms and we will pull you up."

The Ethiopian eunuch ( #EbedMelech) who saved the prophet Jeremiah from non-Jews and Jewish people.
"The beginning of Jeremiah 39 tells the sad tale of the fall of Jerusalem. What the Lord had promised for so long finally came true, as the Babylonians broke through the city gates, tore down the walls, burned the buildings, and exiled those who were not killed in battle."
The wickedness of Judah finally received its due.

But Jeremiah 39 ends on a curiously positive note. The Lord had given a message to Jeremiah concerning Ebed-Melech the Ethiopian.
Ol' Friend!

"In this message, God promised to rescue Ebed-Melech, whose name meant “servant of the king,” from the people he feared.

Moreover, because Ebed-Melech had trusted God, he would be kept safe even as Jerusalem was sacked (39:15-18)."
A Judaism for Black God-fearers in The Kingdom of Kush

It was the Apostle Paul not James, (the cousin of Jesus) who made the case for Jewish inclusion. St. Paul debated Peter and Jesus's cousin James about the Mosaic Law vs. Grace.

In the end, St. Paul won the debate.
"According to Krister Stendahl, the main concern of Paul's writings on Jesus' role and salvation by faith is NOT the individual conscience of human sinners and their doubts about being chosen by God or not, but the MAIN CONCERN is the problem of the inclusion of Gentile (Greek)
... Torah-observers into God's covenant."

"As Gentiles began to convert from Paganism to early Christianity, a dispute arose among Jewish Christian leaders as to whether or not Gentile Christians needed to observe all the tenets of the Law of Moses."
"The inclusion of Gentiles into early Christianity posed a problem for the Jewish identity of some of the early Christians: the new Gentile converts were neither required to be circumcised nor to observe the Mosaic Law."
"Paul did not deem circumcision necessary, as witnessed throughout his writings, but thought that God included Gentiles into his New Covenant through faith in Christ. This brought him into conflict with some Jewish Christians, who requested strict observances of ...
... who requested strict observances of the Jewish law by Gentile Christians. Eventually the less strict view prevailed, and led to the separation of Gentile Christianity from Judaism."
"Early Jewish Christians referred to themselves as 'The Way', probably coming from Isaiah 40:3, "prepare the way of the Lord."

According to Acts 11:26, "Christian" (Greek: Χριστιανός) was first used to describe Jesus' disciples in the city of Antioch, meaning ...
..."followers of Christ", by the non-Jewish inhabitants of Antioch."

Note: Wikipedia isn't the primary source. it simply list the actual sources that are primary! So spare me.. "Oh! Oh! You're using Wikipedia".

“Whenever sin multiplied, grace multiplied even more.”

—Saul the Apostle

- He was born in Turkey 🇹🇷.
- He was Jewisih.
- He was beheaded by the Emperor Nero for choosing Jesus over Nationalism and belong to “The Way".

Now called Christianity.
“Love is patient, Love is kind, Love doesn’t envy or boast, it isn’t proud, self seeking nor keeps a record of wrong. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, trusts, hopes and saves."

-- St. Paul The Apostle of Jesus
Tertullian in his "Prescription Against Heretics (200 AD)" writes that Paul had a similar death to that of John the Baptist, who was beheaded.”
The black Queen in The New Testament

....and the man in charge of her treasure

“Toward the end of Acts, Philip converts an #Ethiopian eunuch to Christianity. He's described as “a court official of “Candace” queen of the Ethiopians” and as being “in charge of all her treasure”.
“Interestingly, the eunuch is also said to have traveled to Jerusalem in order to worship there. While there are plenty of questions raised by the eunuch’s presence in the text, I felt more intrigued by those concerning the queen he served.”
The Kingdom of Kush

"The word “Candace” itself is not a personal name in this context. Rather, it is a title used by the female monarchs “of the ancient Kingdom of Kush in the Nile Valley.”
The Black Queens (“Kandakas”) of Kush

Kandake was the title for queens and queen mothers (and often means first royal wife) of the ancient African Kingdom of Kush, which was an ancient Nubian state in what is now Sudan.
"As no one yet has been able to decipher the Meroitic script, very little can be said for certain on how #Meroe grew to become the wonderous city written about by Herodotus in circa 430 BCE, but it is known that the city was so famous for its wealth that the ...
... Persian King Cambyses mounted an expedition to capture it."
The God-fearers

Some believe that the Ethiopian Eunuch's status as a "God fearer" (not fully in-or-out) helped in his conversion to Christianity.

The Eunuch couldn't be circumcised; because he's a eunuch. He doesn't have a penis.
"In Paul's message of salvation through faith in Christ as opposed to submission under the Mosaic Law, many God-fearers found an essentially Jewish group to which they could belong without the necessity of their accepting all the Jewish Laws - [like circumcision]."
"Aside from earning Paul's group a wide following, this view was generalized in the eventual conclusion that converts to Christianity need not first accept all Jewish Law, a fact indispensable to the spread of the early Christians which would eventually lead to the distinction ..
"... between Judaism and Christianity as two separate religions."

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs to the promise."

“And do NOT think you can say to yourselves, 'WE have Abraham as OUR father.' I tell you today that out of these very STONES God can raise up children for Abraham.”

— Yeshua, Founder of “The Way” later called Christianity.
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