➮ 타인은 지옥이다
strangers from hell
"do you know the theory that humans are innately evil? I think that's right." - E01 #타인은지옥이다 #StrangersFromHell
"when you stand there like that, doesn't it feel like you're in a long tunnel from which you'll never escape?" - E01 #타인은지옥이다 #StrangersFromHell
things i'm tracking (so far):
- smiling vs frowning
- the artist
- eyes
- the eggs
"we're usually dead silent though." - E02 #타인은지옥이다 #StrangersFromHell
"we're all neighbors here, aren't we?" - E02 #타인은지옥이다 #StrangersFromHell
"I like crime novels too." - E03 #타인은지옥이다 #StrangersFromHell
"I don't think the victims are withering away-- aren't they blazing up instead? - E03 #타인은지옥이다 #StrangersFromHell
"I break things up, put them together, and recreate." - E03 #타인은지옥이다 #StrangersFromHell
"we go around to-together." - E04 #타인은지옥이다 #StrangersFromHell
"why do you think there are so many sick people around me? I made them sick." - E04 #타인은지옥이다 #StrangersFromHell
"you're the odd one out." - E04 #타인은지옥이다 #StrangersFromHell
"you can't judge a person by their cover." - E05 #타인은지옥이다 #StrangersFromHell
"this is our team's work." - E05 #타인은지옥이다 #StrangersFromHell
"then you should crawl." - E05 #타인은지옥이다 #StrangersFromHell
"people living in a residence rarely look each other in the eyes. it's sort of a rule there. you're living as quietly as a ghost-- but those people didn't seem like that." - E06 #타인은지옥이다 #StrangersFromHell
"did you see that guy? yeah, his eyes looked awful.: - E06 #타인은지옥이다 #StrangersFromHell
"honey, you must be awfully angry today." - E06 #타인은지옥이다 #StrangersFromHell
"you liked him too, honey. didn't you?" - E07 #타인은지옥이다 #StrangersFromHell
"it's an awfully hot day." - E07 #타인은지옥이다 #StrangersFromHell
"don't you worry, honey. I'll turn you into a new man." - E08 #타인은지옥이다 #StrangersFromHell
"if you get suspicious, get your hands dirty." - E08 #타인은지옥이다 #StrangersFromHell
"I guess it is almost monsoon season, huh?" - E08 #타인은지옥이다 #StrangersFromHell
"why do people in that residence make so much banging noise? we can't focus on our prayers." - E09 #타인은지옥이다 #StrangersFromHell
"are you reading that boring book again?" - E09 #타인은지옥이다 #StrangersFromHell
"in a word, you're fucked." - E09 #타인은지옥이다 #StrangersFromHell
"no matter how close you are with him, you are still just a stranger in the end." - E09 #타인은지옥이다 #StrangersFromHell
"but today, let me get a little taste of you, okay?" - E09 #타인은지옥이다 #StrangersFromHell
"in this world, there are too many like me." - E10 #타인은지옥이다 #StrangersFromHell
"from now on, you and I can do anything together, honey. isn't that exciting?" - E10 #타인은지옥이다 #StrangersFromHell
"starting now, let's write the ending of your story, honey." - E10 #타인은지옥이다 #StrangersFromHell
◦ finished - 5/18/2020

◦ three words - raw, captivating, multifaceted

◦ three characters - moon-jo, jong-woo, ji-eun

◦ rating - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 (just give it every single star there ever was)
I have too much to say for a mere thread on this bird app (mayhaps we’ll see the start of my blog soon) but my main criticism of the discourse around this drama is how overlooked ji-eun’s perspective is to the viewers understanding of the finale.
spoilers for the webtoon, but in the original, ji-eun passes as well. to change that is a pretty big switch, so why? It all leads back to Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. Though the book is about Gregor’s change, scholars argue it is equally Grete’s story too.
In the end, we have gregor and grete, jung-woo & ji-eun, both changed and visibly struggling with their newfound sense of self—their metamorphosis. the open ending is formed by both their tellings of the story. both are unreliable narrators. both hold bits of the truth.
now, I have my own theory about the end, one that circles around the belief that ji-eun HEARD more than she SAW, which makes the visuals unreliable, but once again, a twitter thread is not enough for that long winded analysis. every end I can interpret is satisfying tbh!! I love!
the bottom line is, if you watch the drama as a story about a man and a woman who experience a metamorphosis, the parallels between the two characters are INSANE and it adds yet another layer to the complexity that is Strangers From Hell.
also, this is ldw’s best performance. period. I’ve always thought he was nice, but he did really really impress me and blow me away in this one. the whole cast did superb, but w o w
this SPECIFIC single scene said kate rights 👀
I can go on and on about this drama, and I am always open to it if you want to chat, but I will end this thread with what I said on my yt channel:
though not for the faint of heart, I recc SFH if you want to work your brain; want to feel disgust, awe, and terror within minutes of each other; want to explore the twistings of the mind; want to witness societal critique in a way normally transcendent of dramaland.
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