I hope whoever comes across this tweet actually reads this, not just favorite it and scroll up. Its gonna be quite a long thread so yeah, it'd be great if you read it through :)
So today I came across an YouTube video about suicide prevention. Apparently, there are over one million reported incidents of suicide, worldwide, each year, meaning that one person, somewhere in the world, takes their own life every 40 seconds. That's not even a minute.
Some of you must know that already, anyway, I'm not writing this just to share the statistics. That's the authority's work not mine.
All I wanted to say that you're amazing. You are beautiful, don't let any guy or girl or any report card make you feel so low that you don't want to live the wonderful life you've been gifted. It's not worth it. You're far better than that, you're the best.
Depression is not a joke. People who say that he/she is just doing it for attention, that's bullshit. If you're suffering from it or anyone you know is, don't be afraid to speak up or ask for help.
There'll be times when you'll feel that you're at your lowest point, that you just don't want to live, and there's nothing wrong with that, just remember one thing, you're not alone. Think about all the other good things in the world–[continued]
[Continued]– the awesome changes you can bring to this world, you're more than just some hate comment, some test scores or the person you loved leaving you. Its temporary, it'll go away, nothing is permanent. Your pain has to go away, and for that you need to ask for help–
And there's nothing wrong with asking for help.
(If someone's still reading this, God bless you)
Another thing, love everyone. A small smile or just 'you look beautiful' can do a great deal of change to someone.
According to psychologists, people who want to end their lives don't really want to end their lives. Weird right? They want to jump off a bridge but don't exactly want to land on the ground. They want to just keep on falling forever.
So yeah, that's it. You're awesome, you're amazing and you're just perfect.
Hope you read it, take care, stay safe :)

(PS- pls ignore typos)
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