We grew up believing so many lies even till this day , but here is the one that probably hurts me the most.

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Rather than what we were told to believe. Michael actually loved being black and he was proud of his race. the words coming out of his mouth would confirm it.
VITILIGO is a disease that causes the loss of skin color in blotches. The extent and rate of color loss from vitiligo is unpredictable. It can affect the skin on any part of your body. It may also affect hair and the inside of the mouth..
Michael Jackson was diagnosed with vitiligo in 1984. He came public with the condition in 1993 on the Oprah Winfrey Show.
He first wore his iconic solitary white glove,, in 1979 during the Destiny tour. The glove which he wore on his left hand throughout his career was an early effort to mask the skin condition.
His friend, actress Cicely Tyson confirmed that the glove was to cover his vitiligo and she was there when he was creating it as the two shared a fashion designer in the 1980s.
michael always felt insecure about his looks because his father always mocked his appearance, so seeing these spots and ignoring them was something hard for him so he covered them.
He started growing paler in the mid-1980s without going public with the skin condition that saw him applying makeup to hide his disease from the cameras. The media widely covered rumours that he didn’t like the colour of his skin and this hurt him
in the late 80s/early 90s, as his looks changed, his critics were quick to accuse him of “bleaching” his skin and wanting to “become white”. The singer finally addressed the issue for the first time in an interview in 1993 (at 19:00).
At first, he covered the patches on his face and hands with make-up, but when they became too extensive, he had to undergo a special treatment. Here is Dr. Arnold Klein, his dermatologist, confirming the diagnosis and explaining the treatment.
Vitiligo's drastic effects on the body can cause psychological distress. he used fair-colored makeup to cover up the uneven blotches of color caused by the illness. and possibly skin-bleaching prescription creams (which the doctor have described for him) to treat his vitiligo.
Many reports in the 80s run by tabloids claimed that he slept in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber to slow the ageing process among other reports. This earned him the name “Wacko Jacko” which is a racist slur not a short for jackson
Michael Jackson’s condition was later confirmed by his autopsy report, which states he had Vitiligo. If many sources confirmed his disease and he even spoke openly about it, then why do the media and critics insist on the 'going white' theory to this day?
Now when will yall stop calling a black man white just because he had Vitiligo and start appreciating his music and everything he did for the music industry?

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