i’ve seen a lot of posts about reverse-racism, heterophobia, reverse-sexism, and cisphobia, so i wanted to make a quick thread on why those things don’t exist. (this will be us-centric but it applies everywhere) (1/17)
before i start i wanna put in a big tw for all the things i mentioned above. please don’t read if u have anxiety 🥺❤️ (2/17)
let’s start with reverse-racism. The definition of racism is prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. this means that it’s based on a class system/power complex. therefore (3/17)
someone who is racially in a position of more power can be racist towards others, but those people can’t be racist back. in majority of countries these days, white people are in a position of power due to eurocentrism. that means they can be racist towards anyone. HOWEVER (4/17)
in a country like america, anyone who is not white cannot be racist towards a white person. they can be prejudiced, like making assumptions, but they CANNOT BE RACIST TOWARDS A WHITE PERSON. a study was taken that showed that 57% of white americans believe that racism (5/17)
against white people is just as bad as racism against black people in the us. as trump rose to power, more white people felt they were experiencing racism due to the color of their skin. this is dangerous because it can affect politics and the economy. a school in (6/17)
boston has created a scholarship specifically for white people because of this mindset that’s been spreading like wildfire. our country is moving backwards because of this concept. (7/17)
onto heterophobia. the original use of the term heterophobia was to describe members of the lgbt+ community that didn’t quite trust a society that had marginalized and ab*sed them for decades. then straight people stole the term to describe lgbt+ members who made them (8/17)
feel uncomfortable with the fact that they were homophobic. this change happened a few years ago with the help of the rapper eminem and some tumblr users. the problem with this phrase and this idea is that due to homophobia, children & people have been bullied, attacked, (9/17)
and worse. no straight person has ever had to switch schools or come out to their parents or been kicked out of their house because they are straight. no straight person has been told god doesn’t love them because they are straight. it’s demeaning and cowardly to use (10/17)
heterophobia as an argument. it’s a sign of someone who has no better argument. being asked to use correct pronouns is not being heterophobic, it’s being a decent human being. (11/17)
next, reverse-sexism. when i make a joke that says ‘k**l all men 🤪💕’ i am NOT being sexist. sexism is prejudice against someone due to their gender that is back by a history of institutionalized sexism. i get dms from men telling me they hope i am r*ped, they hope i’m (12/17)
m*rdered, that they want n*des and it’s disgusting. many people believe that society now benefits women more than it benefits men and that isn’t true! i am catcalled CONSTANTLY, people always say ‘can a strong boy help me out’, just today i saw a post of a girl who (13/17)
was really happy she graduated. the top comment was a man saying ‘i can see your n*pples’. this is all sexism. what’s not sexism is men sending nudes around and women responding with lawsuits. what’s not sexism is men catcalling women and them pepper spraying them (14/17)
lastly, i wanna talk about cisphobia. transgender people make up less than 1% of the world’s population. in many countries it is illegal to be trans. that means that due to deep-rooted power structures, many trans people are scared to even wear the clothes they like (15/17)
or use their own pronouns. and yet, cisgender people have the AUDACITY to call transgender people cisphobic for making a joke. we have no power structure in place that grants trans people rights that cis people don’t get. therefore cisphobia can not possibly exist (16/17)
to wrap this all up, i wanna make a general statement just saying that all of these things come solely out of victim blaming and white cishet men’s need to be a victim. anyone who uses these phrases are ignorant of their own privilege (17/17)
ok time to add to this thread !!! i’m gonna talk about #AllLivesMatter ( #ALLLIVESMATER since that’s trending) and #BlueLivesMatter (18/21)
all lives matter is, technically true. every life does matter. HOWEVER white lives and straight lives are not ones being harmed and attacked constantly. all lives matter and blue lives matter were made to combat black lives matter. they were made so that black lives were (19/21)
undermined. all lives matter and blue lives matter are inherently racist because of where they come from. an example i saw was this. let’s say one house is on fire. the firemen show up to put out the fire. as they turn in the house, someone says, “wait, but all houses ... (20/21)
“matter!! you have to hose down every single house or else it’s not fair!” while yes, every house is important, your house isn’t on fire so what is the point of the firemen putting it out? all it does is distract the firemen from the important issue at hand (21/21)
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