My undergrad major was the history of science: we learned how politics impacts data collection; power structures can silence truth; & science denialism isn't new.

Which is to say: This #covid19 moment isn't unique.

Take a journey thru history with me, towards hope:

But Galileo is no longer excommunicated, and we all (almost) accept that the earth is not at the center.
Until ... it wasn't.
Scientist after scientist replicated the results.
Good messengers shared the theory in terms that made sense to average people.
Professionals saw the value in the theory.

We all "know" that blood circulates through veins & arteries now.
It took the development of a new theory (germ theory) and a leader FROM the status quo (Lister) and sustained public health messaging to bring us to where we are today
[There have also been a nearly **overwhelming** number of instances in which power was used to unethically experiment on, or erase the voices of, the powerless:
- Tuskegee
- Henrietta Lacks
- J Marion Sims' work
- and so many more]

Because misinformation and science denialism has been around for a while: WE HAVE WAYS TO FIX IT.

And there are some *advantages* to this moment.

(And because it's essential to use FACTS when rebutting these mistruths.)
(And ps, as much as I love preprints.... it's on ALL of us to constantly combat the hairbrained ones, quickly, in a public forum.)
(3) We must also understand that science is more likely to be heard, if it is framed in terms that mesh with the listener's worldview.

This is PR 101, but it bears repeating: people listen if what we say, feels comfortable to them.
(5) But old-school #publichealth messaging techniques also have a place.

NB: I'm not talking about shaming, here. I'm talking about creating norms, whether through memes or through behavior.

(eg #WearAMask )
(6) Most importantly, don't give up.
We've been through #climatechange denialism and #antivaxx baloney. Infowars and the horrifying untruths about #SandyHook "hoaxes".

And I personally have taken on denial of #gunviolence as a #publichealth problem.

And listen: we've made progress. Bc we haven't folded.
The denial of 86K deaths, the whitewashing of the events of the past 3 months, and the sheer lies about what science demonstrates about #COVID19 can be exhausting.

But they do not have to win.

And they won't win - unless we let them.
So keep at it, y'all.

Keep tweeting and speaking facts.
Keep telling stories.
Keep BEING HONEST about what you see.
Keep the conversation going.
You can follow @meganranney.
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