THREAD Sometimes I think about how the government could have said, very honestly, that the old and vulnerable are at risk from Covid, but the young and healthy are not. They should been out, building immunity, and worked, hand in hand, to protect the vulnerable.
2/ How the healthy wouldnt have taken up or the PPE and the food delivery slots, so it would have been there for the vulnerable, not taken up by the healthy.
3/ How we could have kept working, and the wealth we could have created would continue to fund public services - for the vulnerable
4/ How those with heart problems, kidney issues or cancer could have had treatment, rather than scared away from hospitals
5/How we could have ploughed that £300 billion into overtime for carers, so they could isolate with the old and vulnerable, and how, for that money, we could have made them all millionaires.
6/ but we didn't do any of that. And so many have died when they didnt need to. Especially the young.
7/and for all that panic, all that cowardice, so many people, when they didnt need to, have died. All those people are DEAD.
8/ I'm ashamed.
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