Have you noticed a recent trend of Sign Language interpreters during government press conferences?

Of course you have, they're very distracting, always in motion, and placed for maximum visibility.

Why do they do this when closed captioning technology exists?
From Politico's report on Cuomo, they admit it's distrarcting, saying "don’t feel bad if you spent more time watching Arkady Belozovsky than Andrew Cuomo yesterday."

Turns out, this was ordered by a federal judge. We had a good technology that was not disruptive to the majority.
As my followers should know quite well, nothing like this just "happens". It's the result of activism.

"Their faces have become recognizable to many across Pennsylvania"

"Meet the breakout star of Governor Kemp’s press conferences: sign language interpreter David Cowan"
"David Cowan’s expressive style of signing frequently captures the public’s attention"

"Access for the deaf is seriously lacking, and that’s what I’m working to change."
"In the Atlanta activism scene, Cowen is practically a piece of furniture. He’s signed at anti-Trump, the Women’s March & several Black Lives Matter demonstrations."

Never let a crisis go to wake. This is the new normal. Attention seeking h*mos flamboyantly dancing in your face.
I'll leave this one here without comment.
Inevitably, some ret*rd is going to comment about how I'm being mean to the disabled, or closed captioning isn't 100% accurate.

Ignore. This is a concerted effort by our enemies, acting like our enemies, and concern trolling us. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck etc.
Inevitably, they complain about Trump. Look at the language and iconography used around "Deaf Culture".

It's not apolitical. They are making themselves part of the Intersectional LGBTQ POC Mentally Ill Coalition of the Fringes. Hence, "Shared Institutions" for every IDPol group.
Found a concern troll.

If it's for people who are there, no need to televise front and center... besides, they explicitly state that it's for the people watching on TV.
Some in my replies giving firsthand accounts of with this sort of activism.

Do not fall for Motte-and-Bailey tactics of the muh ableism crowd. This is NOT about inclusion or accessibility. This IS about exercising power, as with any time you are being Made to Care.
Upthread I posted an article from PA... Population under 13 million, they claim this helps 1.2 million who are "deaf, hard of hearing, and deaf and blind."

Blind?! 10% of the population needs and can read sign language? This is obvious bullshit.
Final words on this: do not forget that they eschewed a perfectly good solution for a problem a tiny % has in favor of a solution that DECREASES clarity for the majority.

Progressivism is always about normalizing the abnormal or sick, to the detriment of the normal.
As Economic Commies make everyone equal by making them poor, so do Cultural Commies make everybody equal by making them sick, infirm, disabled: Infirmumocracy.

And ye shall know them by their tools, as they use emotional blackmail and morally charged language to get their way.
Sign language predates closed captioning, a technological advancement that has gotten better with time. Again, ask yourself, why now, why everywhere, why the moral urgency?
Asking them to wait for the transcript is a bridge too far. If somebody else can watch the press conference, everybody must be able to watch the press conference, abilities be damned. Basically, so that they can feel normal.

All for a population likely less than 1M nationwide.
The concern trolling continues. Either unable or unwilling to see the point. It's fun to watch the goalposts shift in real time... As if there's some widespread injustice of cops arresting deafs who couldn't get access to information.

This is a solution in search of a problem.
I will not give an inch. Motte-and-Bailey all the way down.
This thread seems to have struck a chord. TBH it took me a few weeks to process what it was that bothered me about the signers on TV.

In my interview with @parallaxoptics I noted that the moralizing tone and urgency of these pushes is what woke me.

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