Mad Men isn’t going to be retired from Netflix Italy but I’m starting a rewatch just to be on the safe side😌
The writing on this show oh my god... like how Don refuses Pete’s invitation to his bachelor party and says “maybe next time”. THE SHADE.
Peggy treading the line between trying to find sexual agency and the pressure of the constant harassment by her male coworkers... also the gyno Joan sent her to should have explained to her that birth control doesn’t work from day 1 😩
Don’s gaslighting of Betty, I’m 🔪🔪🔪
I can’t believe this was marketed as about the old fashioned, politically incorrect glamor of the 60s and people drank that kool aid when, if you actually watch the series, it makes a point to show how stifling and toxic that environment was for women and minorities since ep 1
Problem: I can’t look at Ken Cosgrove anymore without thinking of the doubt meme
One thing is true though, this show makes you want to get absolutely wasted
Oh no they ARE going to take it off netflix Italy as well, go 2020 give us nothing!
It’s so rewarding to watch these early episodes knowing where all these people are going to end up. I don’t think the plot itself was planned in great detail all the way through season 7, more that as the show progressed they never lost sight of the seeds planted at the beginning
My god the coca cola ad episode... the way Betty is continuously gaslit by Don and by her own education into stifling her aspirations and self expression.
The final scene with her shooting at the birds is both her letting out her frustration through acts of empty aggression (as we’ll see her growing increasingly bitter through the seasons), and shooting at her own “birdie” identity
This is some high octane version of Douglas Sirk style symbolism
My god I had forgotten Joan’s roommate was in love with her💔
See what I meant about the seeds of things to come already being planted... post-heart attack Roger saying “do you believe in energy, human energy?”is the thread connecting the character to acid-dropping s5 Roger
“Those people in Manhattan? They are better than us, cause they want things they haven’t seen” again, this is the blueprint for Peggy’s character going forward
Don @ Peggy: “no Latin, you sound like a valedictorian” and then he’s going to be using fake Greek etymology in his Carousel pitch lmao. Classic Don 🙄
Rachel: what about your children?
Don: I’ll provide for them...
Rachel: what, while you live in Los Angeles?

Me: this fucking f o r e s h a d o w i n g
Fyi Pete’s 5$ haircut would cost 42.87 dollars in 2020
Season 1 finale; bracing myself for it to punch me in the face once again
Obsessed with how the cinematography and color grading is always one step away from mimicking that of movie and pictures from the era, but never goes fully imitative. The scene with Betty and Glenn in the parking lot however is 100% the technicolor of a Sirk melodrama
To this day, I think Peggy’s pregnancy storyline was a pretty ballsy choice on the writers’ part. Not even so much for what we see here but for how it only occasionally comes up in later seasons. Sometimes Peggy is wistful about it but she doesn’t really regret her choice.
Because the truth is that it was the worst thing that could happen to her at that point in her life. Not only was she not ready to deal with motherhood on a general level, that baby would have been a gravestone on her (ha) newborn career.
I think it’s still pretty rare to see female characters turn their back on motherhood, and not making it the centerpiece of their character development. Peggy’s story is about other aspirations.
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