10 most liked quotes from the Book of Pook:


"How do I judge a woman’s character?

I see how she treats people who can do nothing for her.

This test has never failed me."

"The problem is that you place your happiness on a girl.

You can’t be happy in a relationship unless you’re happy being single.

Get away, indulge yourself in your hobbies and work.

Whatever you do, do not sit there and regurgitate your emotions.

Take Action."

"Women who bark at a gentleman will lick the boot of an asshole."

"The hardest lesson to realize is that we are the creator and mastermind of our failure.

Your competition is yourself.

When you can conquer yourself, you can conquer everything."

"Television is for women and losers."

"The women you were lusting for earlier will seem lowly, for you have been on the course of self-improvement while they have not.

You worked out; they remained scrawny.

You read; they wasted their time.

You saved your money and pulled yourself up; they are locked in debt."

"A girl will not consider dating a guy who bores her.

If there were any rule with women, I would say:

Never Bore Them.

Make them laugh.

Make them have fun.

Heck, make them cry.

Make them embarrassed.

But never, NEVER bore them."

"So why do most men fail when talking with women?

It is because they are using words, not feelings.

You do not ‘talk’ to chicks, you express feelings.

Think of a baby. The baby doesn’t know what you are saying.

The baby only cares about your tone of voice."

"When a woman talks to a man, she is thinking of his future (his earning potential etc.)

When a man talks to a woman, he is thinking of her past (how old is she? her weight? history?)

It shows that guys are free to make mistakes, as women look at your future, not your past"

"Women are never the priority.

Your life is more important.

Women take a backseat to your passions and hobbies.

Failure to do this makes you desperate."

"Lasting marriages contains comradeship.

The couple goes through this hurricane of life and by overcoming the difficulties thrown at them, it makes their bond cemented even more.

So love is not weddings and flowers. Real love is deep financial problems or a sick child."
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