cue the story of my dirty laundry in Addis, a thread (1/?) -
when I say dirty laundry, it is not meant to be metaphorical. I literally mean dirty laundry, and a story surrounding it. Get ready for an average story that sends me into panic mode (2/?) -
the intention behind this thread is to seek some info, but also to provide some comic relief in these trying times (3/?)
so, our organization evacuated us around 2 months ago, and happened to put my roommates on a flight out of Addis a day before I came back to Toronto (4/?)
being the good roommate that I am, and having this extra 24 hours where I couldn't trouble my roommates, I decided to clean the house so that when we did eventually return, we'd return to a clean house. lovely, isn't it? (5/?)
i spent ~ 3 hours sweeping, vacuuming, doing the dishes, getting rid of perishable goods in the kitchen, mopping, cleaning every surface of any speck of dust - basically cleaning everything that needed to be cleaned (6/?)
and after those 3 beautiful hours of blasting music of *my choice without any critique* to an empty house, I found myself having some spare time to do a load of laundry that wasn't in any dire need of washing...but since I had time, thought why not? (7/?)
haha, little did I know, or even anticipate - I'll tell you why not. this thread precisely dictates the why not of this story (8/?)

*anxiety settles in*
anyway, so I put the load of laundry into the washing machine, proud of everything I'd accomplished for the day with this extra chore I was *about to* finish, and then went to relax for a little bit (9/?)
ohooooooooo, relax I did my friend, relax I did - because I then *forgot* about this load of laundry in the washer and proceeded to fly out of the country without drying it... (10/?)
so, it has now been over 2 months since the damp load of laundry has been sitting in the washing machine, although now I'm sure various kinds of organisms have decided to give it some company (11/?)
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