I am often accused of vaguetweeting and I'm honestly so tired of it so consider this my first actual vaguetweet (is it though?) in which I ask everyone what they consider a vaguetweet to even be: a thread
It seems like if I say things like "Having a really rough day today" or "I dislike this meme going around because it perpetuates this harmful relationship dynamic", that if someone feels like it's about them, that makes it a vaguetweet and therefor is wrong.
As opposed to specifically saying "Ugh this person I'm talking to is SO annoying" which I think would definitely be a vaguetweet since it's specifically referring to a person or people being involved in the situation and could therefor cause reasonable amount of anxiety or worry
So what's the verdict here because I'm getting really tired of being told that I'm vaguetweeting for expressing frustration for my day or dropping an opinion about a meme in a designated space
I'm a human being with a life and emotions and it's really stressful to be told that my expressing that my day is bad or that my mental health isn't great is still toxic behavior thank you end of thread
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