Oof. Logo's off on a drug-glamorization kick, denying the reality of demons as extrinsic factors. "It's all in your head, bro!"

No. No it's not.
He's leveraging his typical disjointed exposition style, making it difficult to exoterically engage. His esotericist tendencies and pride are near the fore. "I talked to the devil & then laughed at him"

The laughter is projection. Satan is MUCH CLEVERER than us mortals.
You don't want to get into a drugs argument with me. Flatly, I've done more drugs than you have. None of them are good. The situations where they might be used for good are so much more marginal than anyone will tell you.
For a year or two, at the apex of my drug-community libertarianism, I was importing pounds of ketamine from manufacturers in South Asia.
My one "failing"--that is to say "drug achievement I have not unlocked"--is real hallucination from psychedelics. It took a severe dopamine feedback loop from the most egregious dopamine release agent to actually break the grip on reality I've been blessed with.
I have had "ego death". It was my first "quad" of acid. I had a group of friends out to our family farm for a little party.

Nothing glamorous here. I laid in the fetal position in the backseat of my Jetta and kept trying to put the lego of my mind back together as the drug tore.
The darkness within the friends who were there was unacceptable to me. I had to be away from them. The virtue of my parents, imparted by Christ, glowed bright to me. That perception of dark versus light has never escaped me.
The closest I've come to achieving that ego death in times after, despite some absurdly high intake (3mg-ish LSD, I think, at my highest) just made me feel like I was dying and panic because it felt like my drugged state was going to interfere with my salvation at death.
I could regale you all with more stories, but I am treading close enough to false pride in my experiences.

Understand: NONE OF THIS IS GOOD. This is not me recounting "the good ol' days", this is me recounting when I was DECEIVED AND A STUPID LOSER.
The crux of the matter here is the false dichotomy between self and other when demonic involvement is considered. The self opens the door. When the demon sinks his claws in, the other-self distinction blurs.
Conceptually, the correct modeling of most modern demonism seems to hinge on "false logos". A deceitful demonic logos takes the place where The Logos, Christ Jesus, ought to be. This is why the demoniac is so resistant to reason: the false logos refutes the true.
Logo flatly equates Satan to "The Ego". The two have a much more intricate relationship. Satan's chief crime was pride; the root of much evil is pride, and this is why the Bible teaches that pride deserves hatred.
After laughing at his apparition of Satan, he invoked the name of Jesus. "[B]asically, since then, I haven't really worried about anything."

Very odd phrasing. The spiritually-aware should be testing himself vigorously after such an encounter, I'd think.
Another odd pseudo-intellectualism. He equates "psyche" with "spirit". The KJV uses two translations: "life" and "soul". "Spirit", properly, is "pneumos". This conflation is odd. Hebrews 4:12 explains that the Logos can separate soul from spirit.
To wrap this up, so you might understand how plainly contraindicated drug use is by the Bible, Revelation 21:8.
"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."
That word "sorcerer" seems weird to us moderns.

Sorcerer is defined by the action of "sorcery". https://biblehub.com/greek/5331.htm  Strong's defines "sorcery", Greek pharmakeia, as "the use of medicine, drugs or spells".

In other words, this thread is about sorcery.
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