What if the people best qualified to determine their risk calculations are individuals and communities, not national experts? What if experts ought to provide us information such that we can calculate our decisions in our local communities, rather than one-size-fits-all policies?
What if we trusted the people in our communities more than we trusted far-off policymakers who have all too often proved wrong, corrupt, or venal -- in other words, just like all other human beings, but with nearly-unlimited power?
What if the lumbering, idiot giant of overweening government may be necessary in the absence of information, but as information emerges, freedom and logic both require that the idiot giant be put back in its cage?
What if citizens only obey law if they believe the law is just, or if they are coerced, or if they are bribed? And what if bribery and coercion are and ought to be insufficient basis for illogical laws?
In short, what if the founding fathers were right about human nature, the need for checks and balances, and localism -- and those eternal truths not only don't dissipate in the face of emergency, they become infinitely more obvious?
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