About to start #sjcfamilyforum!

Presentations from @AbigailBond1 and @SVPhillimore - notes will be on website and in forum chat.
A summary of relevant case law and guidance from @SVPhillimore with some consideration of issues re rate and risk of infection in enclosed spaces. Although we aren't experts in this, we do need to understand some of the basics, particularly as move seems to be to direct hearings
Interesting diversion in judicial perspectives about the value to be gained from actually seeing and hearing the lay clients - not only when giving their evidence but when reacting to it. Could remote working see shift to future ways of conducting hearings? #sjcfamilyforum
Now @AbigailBond1 talking about the new regulations http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2020/445/made - the concept of 'flexibilities' and permitting LA a different response in a time of emergency - but look at length of time regulations endure!

Cut off date is 25th Sep - but some placements might endure beyond this. Caused a lot of concern - including @ChildrensComm who was 'informed but not consulted'. @article_39 were not consulted - fear they erode some fundamental rights and protections and we weren't told.
Now a letter before action from @article_39 to ask the Gov to withdraw the regulations.

Gov has introduced statutory guidance to read alongside regs on May 7th. Clarifies the 'flexibilities' are only to be used when absolutely necessary...

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