Watched the trailer for the new Paper Mario game and I feel… surprisingly empty. Not upset, not excited, just meh. [thread 1/?]
While I appreciate them being upfront about the Bowser not being the villain this time and game having an actual plot (that opening with Peach is rather chilling), Miyamoto’s creative sterility still seems to be holding, with most characters,
beside the origami villains (like the big turtle and the string doll), being standard Mario character design and the Bob-omb ally having it’s name be its species (which the trailer went out of its way to highlight). *sigh*
Two toads wear clothes, the rest are standard boring Toads *double sigh*. They barely showed the combat system, it apparently using some sort of ring system to aim at enemies, but with how little they showed it can’t be properly judged.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they knew the combat was again not a highlight of the game and deliberately downplayed it to keep hype going for people who actually have hype for it.
Overall, I just don’t care. It seems somewhat decent, which is good I guess, but I’ve practically given up on the series. Losing interest in beloved franchises seems to be a common theme these past few years. [end thread]
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