Capitalism is inherently & by-definition:
• Anti-democratic
• Alienating
• Inequitable & unfair
• Environmentally destructive
• A zero-sum game that rewards the worst & punishes the best of humanity

An economic primer on capitalism #RIPCapitalism 1/12
Democracy means those affected by decisions get to have a say in those decisions.

Capitalism, from its top-down workplaces to its market system which exclude all affected by transactions other than the buyer & seller are inherently anti-democratic. 2/12
Markets are inherently anti-democratic because they externalize & even *incentivize* the externalization of those affected by transactions from having any say in those decisions, i.e., it incentivizes anti-democracy. #RIPCapitalism 3/12
Having a fair say in the decisions that affect our lives is not only democratic, but engaging & participating in the decisions that affect us is a source of fulfillment.

Capitalism robs us of this fulfillment

Capitalism is alienating. #RIPCapitalism 4/12
Not only is capitalism inherently undemocratic & alienating, it also robs the working class of their creative & innovative potential.

To create is human. But capitalism stifles the creative & innovative potential of the working class & poor. 5/12
Capitalism is inherently inequitable & unfair. We all know it. We all feel it. Poverty vis-à-vis extreme wealth.

No one works 100x 1,000x or 10,000 times longer or harder than anyone else, yet we have income disparities even greater than that. 6/12
Instead of rewarding people equitably & fairly for things we have control over like effort, sacrifice or duration of work, capitalism rewards bargaining power: systematically enriching the already rich & powerful #RIPCapitalism 7/12
So, not only does capitalism rob us of economic democracy, the fulfillment that comes from participation in the decisions that affect our lives, it also inherently robs us of fair & equitable wages. #RIPCapitalism 8/12
Capitalism is also inherently & by-definition inefficient, wasteful & environmentally destructive because 1) it is incapable of taking externalities into consideration and 2) it incentivizes & rewards externalization of environmental degradation. 9/12
In this thread below, we not only prove that capitalism is inefficient, wasteful & environmentally destructive; we also prove that economic democracy *increases* environmental sustainability. #RIPCapitalism 10/12
Capitalism is a zero-sum game. It undermines our natural empathetic tendencies by pitting us against one another through institutions that *require* us to trample on one another to get ahead.

It punishes the best of humanity & rewards the worst. 11/12
There is nothing “natural” or inevitable about capitalism. Quite the contrary, capitalism goes against our nature & against our shared values.

We need to replace capitalism with an economic system that embodies our shared values: #RIPCapitalism 12/12
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