Why Fanpol Rhetoric Won't Work and Will Never Work; A Thread.
(I'm not a pro at writing so please bear with me. I also have dyslexia.)
Fanpol rhetoric doesn't work due to a few simple factors, those factors being as follows:
1) Writers and Artists are allowed to use fiction to explore "taboo" subjects
2) Fiction does not equal reality, fictional characters do not have human rights (more on this later) (1/?)
3) Fanpol's concept of what can be used in fiction and what can't be used in fiction is all based on their opinion, which only gathers people who share the same opinion.

Fanpol's aren't the best when it comes to interacting with "problematic" artists, going as far as to- (2/?)
start witchhunts to mass report an artist when they are doing nothing legally wrong. I'm going to link a tweet that supports the statement about how drawing underage fictional characters is legal. https://twitter.com/GraysonWayn3/status/1249360861610770434?s=20
"But fiction affects reality!" Fanpol scream. No, it doesn't. If fiction affected reality, then everytime there was a horror film produced, the actors would have to really die. And please, PLEASE, stop using the Jaws affect to defend this statment. I have no idea how many (4/?)
times I have seen fanpol use the Jaws affect in their defense of that statement. That was fiction creating a mindset of irrational fear cause by the idiocy of people not realising that it was a work of fiction instead of rationally thinking this could never happen in reality(5/?)
It isn't fiction that affects reality, it's the rationality of people consuming fictonal products that affects reality. More people need to understand this fact. Just because someone consumes problematic content, that doesn't make them a horrible person. (6/?)
If people's morals were based on what content they consumed, we would be without any sort of fictional genre and only stuck with reading things like fact books. And even then the factbooks would be heavily censored. (7/9)
Also, as noted by many people on this platform, fanpol behavoir is similiar to that of a cult. I don't know if fanpols know this, but cults in real life are never good. A cult mindset is not a healthy way to interact with people. (8/9)
Anyways, that's the end of this thread for now, I may add more later based on what I see from fanpol in the next few hours or days. I hope I made some sense in this. (9/9)
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