It would be good to know if Burr and Loefller are both under investigation for coronavirus profiteering or if Burr is being punished by Bill Barr for not covering up Russia’s attempts to help Trump win, while Loeffler is being rewarded with impunity for her loyalty to Trump.
It’s clear at this point that if you are a political figure, prosecution is punishment for defying Trump, and impunity is a reward for fealty to him, whatever the merits of the charges.
Trumpists will cite whatever arguments necessary to justify these individual acts, but they know the actual reasons are defiance of, or fealty to, The Leader. They are not ashamed of this. Some may rationalize it publicly, but even those who do are quietly thrilled by it.
They will use the language of civil liberties, of democracy, but they do understand all they are defending is the authoritarian exercise of power. The rights of their opponents do not matter, because their opponents are by definition illegitimate, and therefore have none.
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