some Dutch COVID-19 data. i know it's unpopular to make this point (bcuz it's associated with lockdown opponents), but unless you've got hypertension/diabetes/obesity or other comorbidities, death risk for men younger than 60 & women under 65 is near zero
we talk a lot about opening up economy on a sector-by-sector basis. could combine that with graduated age-cohort readmission. govt benefits shd be available for longer to older workers or with comorbidities. (I'll leave out male/female aspect so culture warriors' minds dont melt)
And yes, I know that some young people die. I've read the same social-media posts about the details of their deaths. But when risks become small, public policy is about numbers. People die of car crashes, yet I drive. They die of heart disease, yet I just ate a hamburger.
I also recognize that opening up the economy to young people presents risks to old people, since many people live in inter-generational households. but regular testing and contact tracing would allow us to massively knock down the virus' secondary attack rate
overall, 3 principles to open up the econ:
1) covid-19 isn't magic fairy dust. it mostly travels ballistically from breathing, sneezing, coughing. act accordingly. wear masks
2) covid-19 is a tiny risk to young, big risk to old. act accordingly
3) testing + contact tracing galore
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