I’ve been studying the construction/development in two neighboring but very diff hoods -La Alma Lincoln Park & The Golden Triangle (which btw is actually called the civic center neighborhood)- and feels like now i can actually make a case for why land “value” is made up garbage
From 2010 to 2018ish, the majority of one hood’s construction has been exclusively luxury buildings. The other has been (almost) exclusively DHA or DHA-adjacent construction. They are geographically right next to each other. But their histories are very different.
Don’t worry! That’s changing now thanks to developers latching on to that “art district vibe” in La Alma Lincoln Park. They aren’t luxury towers, but white folks will soon be paying a pretty penny for adult dorms, i mean “flats” in buildings w names like “Art District Flats” lol
I have to joke because otherwise I get too mad to function. I am lucky to have a day job that pays me to do this kind of research (for projects I believe in,) while also providing me with knowledge I need to support ideas/work i wanna do with the rest of my time/life.
And I’m on the plus side, this research has taught me a lot about La Alma Lincoln Park that I didn’t know- and I’ve realized how much of #Denver’s history I’ve just always assumed was there from the beginning, but is actually rooted in the real work done by the Chicano Movement
I knew the movement is/was very powerful; I just had no idea how much of it (like the name La Alma) wasn’t there before they did the work. That’s kind of the point of the work, though? To claim and impact the narrative so it becomes a part of fact and history taught about #Denver
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