By the way, I want to be clear that in *none* of the conversations I have been party to about reopening campus, has there been a sustained and careful conversation about whether it’s really what’s best for students. Only best for what students prefer. There’s a difference.
Also bizarrely a lot of people seem to think faculty/staff health and student health can be separated if ... we are all in the same rooms? It’s super weird. We are not different species.
For students who are like “but I am disabled in a way that really means I need to be in a classroom” — they haven’t been talking about you either. The whole discussion is about money.
I would love to spend more time talking about how to prepare everyone to deliver online education in a way that is accessible and enriching but instead we are talking about money and whether it’s selfish to not want to get COVID.
Yes, there were several accusations of selfishness aimed at people who said they didn’t want to get sick. “You’re not showing consideration for what the students want.”

Who knew the students wanted professors with COVID/dead professors
A professor with COVID is a risk to the staff and students. Students with COVID are a risk to staff and faculty. Staff with COVID are a risk to students and faculty.
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