6 hours = how long TikTok users use the app per week. Also, WAU has grown 27% since early March (appannie)

Why does TikTok grow in lockdown? Fast entertainment, feeling of togetherness (memes), positive content that leaves you feeling good (which we could all use right now)
Where does TikTok go from here? Ecommerce & livestreaming are the obvious opportunities. Big brands Prada and Gucci have already jumped on Douyin. We've highlighted a few examples in past blog posts here:
https://a16z.com/2019/08/06/ecommerce-as-videos-killer-app/ https://a16z.com/2019/12/05/video-first-ecommerce/
Another trend to watch is TikTok "aging up" -- in China, Douyin is no longer skewed 30 and under.
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