Let me start this thread by saying, I’m in no what telling you what to do with your body. I am simply providing the information, but ultimately, do with it what you will. I employ you to not take my word at face value, but do your own research as well because we’re all learning.
There is a such thing as over-exposure to a good thing. Herbalism, from how I’ve studied, doesn’t operate like western medicine. Usage of these herbs requires dosage that’s dependent off of your body, individually.
I’m just going to go over a couple herbs that are right now, give some cautions and explain some side effects, and try not to get carried away, lol. Because a lot of these herbs are meant to be complimented by other herbs, not taken alone, but we’ll go over that later 😊.
Let’s start with Elderberry. Right now, especially with Covid, it’s become extremely popular. It’s great for inflammations of the upper respiratory tract, it’s great for the gastrointestinal tract for mild constipation, and even eczema that’s caused internally.
With that being said, just because it’s great for those ailments, that doesn’t mean take it everyday, multiple times a day in exceeding amounts, lol. You run the risk of gastrointestinal irritations (with vomiting and nausea) and this is due to the lectins.
Lectins are glycoproteins that cause our red blood cells to agglutinate, or clump. They typically interact with carbohydrates & create an antigen-antibody interactions. While consuming Lectins in moderation poses no risk, but excess consumption can impair growth, cause diarrhea,
And can interfere with nutrient absorption (from food and vitamins). 😳. I know that may be deeper than expected, but if I’m going to explain it, why not in it’s entirety. Aside from over exposure to your body, we should also take into consideration over harvesting. 👀☕️
(Btw, if you don’t know how to harvest properly, don’t grow it. The fresh berries and leaves can lead to poisoning). I say all of that to say, I understand the need for health, and vitality, but herbs still have reactions, and side affects. They’re not meant for prolonged use
Because you’re supposed to be doing the work WITH the herbs to overcome the problem. Moderation HAS to be exercised. Following recommended dosage HAS to be exercised. Established boundaries & adhering to them is what makes this work, not a gluttonous mindset. 😊🌿
You can follow @blvck_herbalist.
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