South America and it’s connection to UFOs/UAPs has always fascinated me for a few reasons.

1.) Inca, Maya, Aztec culture and empires all spoke of the “sky gods” in their “fire craft” being as common in everyday life as the air we breathe
2.) It is a massive continent that, relative to North America, does not have as large of a population and is not as heavily militarized. If you think about the Brazilian Rainforest alone, a non-earth entity could set up a forward operating base (FOB) of sorts in the forest
and go undetected for years / decades. Honestly, it’s only been in the past 100 years that they’d need to be worried about detection at these FOBs.
3.) The Third Reich and the presence of the Kriegsmarine in places like Chile and Argentina even prior to WWII.

It’s a known fact that Hitler and the SS had an interest in the occult / ancient history of Earth via Vril and Thule occult societies.
Additionally, we know that they were using Argentina and Chile as staging grounds / jump points for base construction deep in the heart of the Antarctic beginning in the early to mid 1930s.
But how would they manage to move all the raw material for construction of bases on U-Boats alone? They couldn’t and, once WWII kicked off, it would have been a waste and detriment to their war effort to move European sources raw material all the way to South America
for construction down in Antarctica.

So going back to the point about the old imperial cultures of South America and the vast size of the continent, I’ve always believed that the Third Reich searched for and found the old mines used by the Incans and found them to
still be rich in ore deposits which could then be mined, processed, and shipped down to Antarctica on U-Boats for construction of bases.

Yes the southeastern coast of South America served as a jumping off point, but the inland regions were rich in natural metallic ore
Given that South America was largely not impacted by WWII - never seeing conflict and no large military participation - it is conceivable and highly plausible that the Third Reich undertook clandestine industrial operations down there beginning in the 1930s and went
undetected for years, only to be discovered via intelligence acquired by the OSS near the end of the war and after the war via document / communique recovery and interrogation of SS scientists like Von Braun and his cohort.
It would explain why Operation Highjump.

Long story short - we came to find out that the Third Reich had been quietly operating a large, industrial operation in South America for nearly 20 years by the time Highjump occurred in 1952.
This point is further driven home by the Piri Reis map which the Third Reich was in possession of.

The map was from 1513 and created by Ottoman Admiral Piri Reis. It showed a detail geography of an ice free Antarctica with a near perfectly mapped coast line
The issue is that conventional history tells us that Antarctica was not known by man in the modern era and was only discovered in the 1800s.

The U.S. Air Force analyzed the map in the 1960s and concluded two things:
1.) The map had to have been developed by someone / something that had the ability of flight and achieve the necessary altitude to map the coastline and geographic features of Antarctica in such precise detail. Problem? We do not know of anyone having such a
capability in the 1500s given that conventional history tells us man did not achieve flight until the 20th century.
2.) The map completely doesn’t line up with how long we believe Antarctica to have been an ice covered continent. What we do know based on scientific disclosure the past few years is that -at one point in time - the whole of Antarctica was a sub-tropic climate continent.
So either our timeline of Antarctica pre and post ice sheet is wildly off, or Admiral Piri Reis and The Ottoman Empire were basing their map on maps from the age of antiquity when Antarctica was known to man and known as an ice free continent
...but that still cannot explain how man in the age of antiquity was able to accurately map the coast of Antarctica and it’s inland geography / topography in a way which the USAF itself admitted would require the capability of flight.
Suddenly, the multiple gods of Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece, and biblical times + their Chariots of Fire take on an entirely new meaning.

Mankind is so wildly wrong about and misinformed of its own history that it’s laughable.
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