Since this comes up repeatedly
We should all quote and retweet this at least every year, right? Right? Thank you.
yes. We’re all architects. But it’s an accident of architecture, unless there is focus, attention, expertise. If the system is complex (technically and organizationally), these decisions cross team boundaries. And are strategically or structurally
significant. Hard to undo, unless we pay attention early, while still reversible. Etc. Expertise, responsibility (so we can decide what to pay attention to), more, factors.
So there’s all contributing, and there’s the role that focuses there. Both are grounds for learning, and this is good, because it provides a path of increasing expertise and perspective. Our path isn’t usually extended university degrees, followed by internships. It’s mucking in,
working on complex systems in complex organizational contexts, and gaining that expertise in context. We take our blows on “certification” but we put in the learning time. Many of us. Anyway.
More in this thread (below). Valuing architects in complex settings, doesn’t mean not valuing everyone else. Architecture is about judgment and perspective across perspectives. All are important.
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