Today I want to recognize some indie/self-pub writers who take quality very seriously. I probably won't remember everyone, but I'll do my best...
A thread.
@CBethAnderson writes immersive fantasy like The Sun-Blessed series and The Frost Eater.
@HLMacfarlane writes vivid, romantic books based in myth and legend.
@katkinneywrites has stunning new takes on werewolves and vampires.
@AuthorCRPugh wrote a fabulous action-packed trilogy.
@KateMacAuthor--loved her Beauty & the Beast retelling!
@Krazydiamond07 I will never stop screaming about the monstrous excellence that is Marrow Charm.
@MissusM has an award-winning Viking-esque fantasy that I adore.
@mandylawson7 writes the cutest, flirtiest rom-coms!!
@authrcatlabadie's books are gorgeous, both inside & out.
@CGadouryAuthor writes lovely dreamy things with an edge of darkness.
If swoony cowboy romance is your thing, @shanna_swenson's got you covered!
For fated romance, try @RandleJohanna's lovely book!
@DawnHosmer7 is a true powerhouse author with stunning covers and equally intriguing plots.
@catsteinbooks delivers delightful banter and HEAs!
@NicoleRScarano is the mistress of dark, intense tales like her genderswapped Hades retelling and the new There Are Only Four.
@ShannonRohrer1 lures you into a world of power and peril, and writes action scenes that you can really FEEL.
@AEBowman3 has a wild steampunk adventure that will keep you on your toes!
@bharatkrishnan9 wrote a fantastic collection of Hindu myths!
And there are so many more!
@fey_girl63, @raekennedy_ @museofdestiny, @anna_mocikat (Behind Blue Eyes coming soon), @SandlinHm, @oknowpanic, @ChesneyInfalt, @ejdawsonauthor ... I could go on for quite a while. Follow these lovelies and check out their works!
You can follow @RebeccaFKenney1.
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