i just think trans women should stop saying words and having opinions. obviously i am not transphobic but someone's gotta hold these problematic troublemakers accountable right? i mean come on they're basically appropriating female culture which is pretty sus if you ask me
i am okay with trans women existing as long as i never see them or hear them or am forced to think about their lived experiences in any meaningful way. also i'm pretty sure a lot of them are pedos. again though i am an ally and i have the trans community's best interests at heart
this isn't about harassing trans women out of public life, it's about protecting children! and if you can't see that you're probably an abuser. alright that's enough tweeting time to go protest an abortion clinic
if you learn any queer history, the first pattern you'll notice is the omnipresent accusations of pedophilia and degeneracy. if you cannot see this for the cynically manipulative political tactic that it is, you are not my ally and i don't want you in my community.
this at least partially in response to the "fiction affects reality" crowd. i am begging you to learn the telltale signs of terf dog whistles. they always sound reasonable on the surface, that's why they're so dangerous.
"incest fic normalizes incest" more people have read flowers in the attic than whatever shitty brodave slash you're worried about and i'm pretty sure most people aren't going out of their way to do incest, but sure let's die on this hill
me: violent video games do not cause school shootings and the very argument is clearly a pro-censorship ploy to shift discourse about art further to the right

also me: fiction about csa is the same as actual csa and it normalizes csa in the real world and its authors are abusers
we can oust groomers and abusers from our communities without turning it into a fucking moral panic. there are other ways to make our communities safe than holding a gun to everyone's head at all times.
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