Well, I don't know about y'all, but my pragmatic side has been pushing aside my optimistic side lately.

I keep hearing about how we will "heal the nation" & "unite the divided".

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I think it has been made abundantly clear...(1/4)
...that there is no way to unite these polar opposites. Obama supporters refuse to objectively view facts.

The documents released this week should shock anyone to their core!

Unfortunately, we are at a point where I truly believe that we could find video of Obama saying(2/4)..
..."We have to take this administration down. Whatever we do, we can't allow them to have power. We can never let them reverse the progress we've made, even if we have to kill people." Progressives would still vote against Trump & hail Obama as just looking out for America..(3/4)
We're at a point where they are THAT brainwashed. It's beyond fixing, in my opinion.

What do you honestly believe our nation's future options really are? There are only four options allowed by Twitter, so just select which is most believable to you.(4/4)
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