If you’re trying to seek the Lord and not getting the results you want immediately and turning to other “spiritual” methods to get quick results, please pls hear me out. I have some encouragement 🙏🏾
“The Lord isn’t being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent”

2 Peter 3:9
God is an on time God. Many times as humans we try to put God in our timing and he doesn’t work like that. He tells us to make our requests known and if it’s His will, He will deliver in His own perfect timing.
He is the God of ultimate peace. And his peace doesn’t bring along baggage. It’s not only peace here right now but guarantees eternal peace in Heaven. A peace that doesn’t jeopardize our souls. He loves us and wants us to be healed of things, to have peace. (cont)
But since God is the one that has that peace, we know the only safe and correct way to obtain the things we want from God is through Jesus (John 14:6)

So I encourage anyone who is trying to seek Jesus but getting discouraged and go to other sources to keep seeing Jesus! (cont)
The difference between Jesus and other “gods” is that Jesus hears, Jesus sees, Jesus is still alive.

He doesn’t ignore or take us seeking Him lightly! He loves that! When you read the Bible, ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand. But be encouraged to continue seeking Jesus
Jesus will quite literally meet you where you are at and provide every need if you remain persistent ! 🤍
The “gods” of this world will only lead you to Hell. It’s grim but it’s the truth. The enemy comes as a form of “light” & roams around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
The reason why other forms of spirituality seems so similar to Christianity, why it seems “okay” and no big deal is bc 2 Corin. 11:14

the enemy knows how easy we as humans are deceived. which is why we have to call on Jesus to protect us! If we abide in Him, He’ll abide in us 🙏🏾
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