Here we go. Small group of protesters outside the Capitol right now. They are doing mic checks and more people are congregating about.

Stay here on this thread for updates throughout the day.
The “freeedom” sign is back and the rain has started.
A tense moment among some protesters here at the Capitol involving some people who were upset about guns and then changed their tune, calling Gov. Gretchen Whitmer a liar.
Part two of the argument.
It’s raining pretty hard here in Lansing. I’ve spoken with a few people and the majority say they aren’t afraid of #COVID19 and feel their rights are being infringed upon.
Liberty can spread like #COVID19, the protestors say.
New sign outside the capital with a message for the GOP legislative leaders.
A fight broke out after a man allegedly showed up with an axe or hatchet of some sort. Michigan State Police showed up and are currently interviewing him.

*WARNING: explicit language in video*
I spoke to this guy moments before the fight because he had a Barbie hanging from a noose and said it was Gov. Whitmer. He showed me the axe and told me if I misquoted him, I “would be done.”
This is the guy. With his ax in the garbage can and the doll with a noose around its neck.
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