Okay #IndieAuthors in the #WritingCommunity while I work on getting some writing done. I'm going to drop a few little snippets of information from the #indiescribable data for #indieapril so far...
How many books did you sell - BY AUTHOR (so some had only 1 book for sale others had many).

0 13%
1-5 33%
6-10 12%
10-30 11%
30 -50 18%
50+ 12%

1% no response...
Of the paid advertising what methods were used?

52% Pay per click
26% Author marketing on multiple platforms
10% Twitter only
13% Multi-platform and PPC
How much did people spend on marketing (if they spent anything remember 76% of authors did not)

53% 0-30 USD
25% 30 -100 USD
9% 100 - 300 USD
13% 300+ USD
Did people sell more titles if they paid for advertising? Kind of a big question. Apparently, yes they did.

Paid for advertising average number of copies of each title sold - 9

No paid marketing average number of each title sold - 6
How many books did you sell by title (so dividing total books sold by number of books each author was selling)

0 13%
1-5 50%
6-10 9%
10-30 12%
30 -50 11%
50+ 4%

1% no response...
How many authors used paid advertising?

24% of you did...
Okay, there's far more coming out of the data but it's taking me time to sift through it. Are you interested? Have any specific questions you'd like answers to?
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