Melle Rant: I don't think lockdowns are about saving lives anymore. I think there is a larger agenda at play. Before you slap a tinfoil hat on me and call me Grandma Killer 2.0 h/t @bethanyshondark Let me explain:
I haven't watched Plandemic. I'm not making the Gates/Fauci crap on my thread, BUT.... Let's talk about Fauci for a second. Fauci has tunnel vision. I think he is doing what he has been paid to do. He is telling you about the virus. The problem?
Fauci ONLY assesses the risk of the virus. Fauci does not assess the risk of death due to other conditions brought on by shutting down all of the medical system. He doesn't assess the risk of economic hardships and the death that will follow.
If Fauci OVERestimates the death, no one will blink and eye. If he UNDERestimates, then his credibility takes a hit. Every death must be weighing on his mind. I get it, I do. BUT if you don't think he doesn't have some bias at play, you haven't been paying attention:
He's told you SEVERAL times that he will over react. He's told you that. The problem is that his overreaction and his tunnel vision isn't a well rounded strategy. He's probably also dealing with some residual guilt/fear of failure.
In early February, he was on television several times telling people that there is nothing to worry about; that the average American will not be effected by the Coronavirus. He was wrong. The odds of this effecting his decisions is logically quite good.
I think there is a large contingency of people who saw this virus as a way to remake society in a way they have been hampered before now. The more people get financially dependent on the government; the more power that government gets.
When you require officials for life and death decisions; YOU MUST VOTE for those people. Many of these self-same officials see themselves as a savior. They are aware that long term deaths CAUSED by the shut down won't be assessed until later after the Covid threat has passed.
So they want to stop Covid deaths now to look like they were the lone voice of reason. Their power over you is largely smoke and mirrors. Lockdowns ONLY last as long as you cooperate. Despite all the decrees, lockdowns are largely voluntary. What are they going to do?
Are they going to lock everyone up in jail? In cramped conditions that make Covid infection more likely. Kinda defeats the purpose of mitigating infection, doesn't it if you're risking the same people that you are saying that you are trying to save.
Life is about risks. YOU make life decisions that risk lives every day. When you vote for that politicians that sends men and women off to war. You have made the decision that those men and women's lives are less important than the risk if we DON'T go to war.
When you want the same men and women to pull out of that war, you are making the risk assessment that the war is no longer worth the risk. When fireman run into a burning building; that life is risked, but the pay off of saving many is less than that fireman's life.
When essential employees go to work, YOU who are staying home are making the same risk assessment that YOUR need is greater than their safety. I'm not knocking these risk assessments, but you have to understand that you make tradeoffs everyday that risk lives.
When nullification of voter ID laws is slipped into bills for Covid, that is an agenda. When CNN has kid who screams at adults about Climate change as an "expert" panel about Covid, that is an agenda.
When CNN has one of their reporters BREAK quarantine with active COVID, and then scream about how Trump and the people aren't doing enough that is AN AGENDA. When the press ignores the 5 states that made the most vulnerable and at risk for death take Corona virus patients,
That is an agenda. When Cuomo has 80% approval rating, when it's his state that is a shit show, and his decision has killed thousands of the elderly- but no one calls him out. THAT IS AN AGENDA.
When blue checks and the press scream that Republican Governors have blood on their hands, when DNC Governors are doing the same thing- THAT IS AN AGENDA. NONE of these agendas are about saving lives. NONE...NONE...NONE..
People are dying now due to medical neglect. Food banks are overwhelmed. People can't get basic care like obstetrics; and people aren't vaccinating their kids, because the risk and panic porn has been hyped to ungodly levels. THAT IS AN AGENDA.
You have to ask yourselves, how long you will let this go on. You have to ask yourselves how much power you want the government to have over your lives. And you have to make an individual risk assessment of your own lives. You have to live YOUR AGENDA.
There is a truck driver, a grocery store clerk, a doctor, a nurse that are at risk; most of you idiots wanting to stay home for years have made the assessment that THEIR lives are worth the risk, because they NEED them. THAT IS AN AGENDA.
If you're vulnerable or scared, please stay home. Please wear a mask, social distance and think about the vulnerable, but don't think for a second that ANY of your choices are risk free. They aren't. Be well all!
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