4 months and a pandemic later, the War finally comes to a close. And looking back, I realize that whoever gains the respect of a jury of past winners deserves the win, which is to say, could have been any of them. https://twitter.com/survivorcbs/status/1217556007045353472
Been watching since the Amazon, and I've seen how these players dominated seasons (Kim/Yul/Parv) or paved unfamiliar paths leading to controversial wins (Ben/Michele/Sophie). Would have wanted to see other players (Jenna/Todd/Tom) take a shot at it, but we can't have them all.
Now, while I think that this ISN'T the best season of all time (FvF1 and HvV for me), to be able to watch 20 of /the/ best players compete was just one huge treat to its loyal fanbase.
Great moments all around (Ethan's EOE log run, the Queenslaying, the loved ones visit), but postmerge felt like there wasn't enough gameplay (except for that dominant episode of Tony).
The level of competition was crazy, but this season highlighted the emotional toll playing (and winning!) the game entails, and it offered closure for the winners that had unresolved baggage, which was something I didn't expect.
So this thread is getting wordy, just wanted to thank CBS for allowing us #Survivor40 in our lifetimes.

For those who read through this, but have no idea how the Survivor experience is like, may I suggest you start with Cagayan, FvF, or HvV. Great stuff. 👏🏻
You can follow @nicopajes.
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