1/6 A condition I am hearing a lot about and I certainly feel is #digitalfatigue. It is draining to be glued to screens all the time. Here are my common sense tips to help yourself and others.
2/6 Make meetings 20 or 50 minutes long to allow a rest break between back-2-back appointments. On campus that walk between rooms via the coffee shop or loo was a much needed physical and mental respite
3/6 Check the attendees of meetings you schedule do they all need to be present? Its great for whole teams to connect but in the right context. Meeting finished and scheduling the next one? Still need everybody?
4/6 Just because we are at home we still need to eat! Put lunch breaks in your diary. Check diaries before scheduling, does it impact on someone else’s lunch hour or break time?
5/6 Avoid multi-tasking where possible simultaneous video chat with chat box comments whilst checking your email is draining! Much more efficient to focus on one thing.
6/6 Presenteeism is hard thing to shake but a quick break to take in some fresh air or even empty the dishwasher is 100% acceptable. No one should be expected (or expect of others) to be glued to their computer and phone for hours on end.
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