I am not a writer to make money or to be famous. I am a writer because this is the gift God gave me. It is my responsibility to be faithful, doing the best that I can. Sure, I'm going to make mistakes, but no mistake I make is worth self-sabotage or condemnation. (a thread)
I should be proud of my accomplishments and focus on the positive things I've done, not the elusive definitions of "success". I should not compare myself to other writers. EVER. I should be confident in all of my choices, with one eye on how to improve.
I am not writing to please the demons from my past, my writing friends, far off and fickle readers, or trends in the market. I am writing to please myself first, and from that success will come to me in the right time and in the right way.
All the lies I listed are puffs in the wind. They are the voices of long dead ghosts who have no right to space in my head. I can acknowledge that they are there, then yank the power from them with truth.

I finished a book yesterday. I have a lot to be proud of.

(End thread)
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