#RomBkLove Day 14 PNR this...just give me ALL your recommendations. Like @lillie_80 I have a huge list and never tire of finding new authors. I also never tire of rereading my favourites. Where else can I find magnificant feral heroines and heroes/heroines who 1/?
#RomBkLove not only love them that way but enjoy what happens when they let loose like Alexander from RJ Blain's JESSE ALEXANDER series, Rowan in Lauren Dane's GODDESS WITH A BLADE, Luce Boudreau in Hailey Edwards' THE FOUNDLING series, Cat from Jeaniene Frost's 2/?
#RomBkLove NIGHT HUNTRESS series. Charlie from Shelly Laurenston's HONEY BADGER CHRONICLES, Ashwini in Nalini Singh's GUILD HUNTER series and Kamali from Nikki Winter's BEASTLY DESIRES. 3/3.
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