This is what we need:
A local level (the scientists can decide what size of locality works best) dashboard showing key data. This is done in New York so it can be done here. This key data includes (but is not limited to) daily infection rate, estimate...
...of Reproduction rate, daily testing rate (split by requested and random testing). This dashboard must be RAG’d to enable easy understanding of what to do – Red means full online learning is instituted (ie as we are now), Amber means school is open but PPE is worn. Green...
...means school can operate without PPE. All this at new room capacity limits (which differ at Amber and Green). When the RAG level changes how schools in the area operate must change – this would not be discretionary.

Effective Test, Track and Trace. We currently...
...have a misfiring testing system. This needs to be fixed and working at a genuinely world class level. We need to know the local level of TTT. Once it is operating properly all staff and students must use the TTT App.

Revised (and enforced) capacity...
measures for classrooms. This will be square metres per person in a room. This is to provide reassurance to parents. This capacity can change as risk levels inc/dec.

Minimal movement through out the school when risk is above minimal levels (tied to total capacity). This will... harder (I think) for secondaries. New models of teaching will have to evolve (based around an in-school, online model).

Schools should work towards having ventilation systems that replace the air in a room regularly with clean air from outside. This will...
...benefit schools in the long run and must be separately funded.

On entry to (and exit from) the school all staff and students must be temperature checked.

This is all based...
...on the following:

Children and adults transmit coronavirus, and

Coronavirus transmission appears to occur more easily in enclosed spaces.

We will need to operate this way until there is a vaccine or a treatment so we might as well formalise it. It may appear to... an over-reaction. Well against that I put 60,000 dead (and counting upwards at a current rate of somewhere around a 1000 a day). Over one million adults work in UK schools. They are at a higher risk than the general population. They and the children they serve...
...have aright to expect the very best protection that can be mounted.

These extreme circumstances we face call for a better response than a stiff upper lip.
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