bismillah assalamualaikum. im sorry if ill spill the tea or bukak aib sesiapa but srsly this is too much. this is abt my friend , but i should silent abt her identity untuk mengelakkan perkara yang tak patut berlaku.

lepas maghrib aku story .
actually , ada sorang perempuan ni pretend to be my friend and flirt all boys. dia jugak ada masuk grp budak 18+ and mengaku my friend tu dia. she also us my friend face untuk ngorat sesiapa je.
my friend dah cuba untuk slowtalk dengan dia but as u can see in this pic , dia langsung tak reply . time ni pun dah ramai tahu dia fake and dia dah kena kecam and maybe she dah left the group . sebabtula kot dia tak reply sebab muka dah malu .
ada dua ig fake yang mungkin orang sama buat or lain lain but this is not my friend's account . the real account is privacy . but srsly gambar2 yang dia ambik tu pun maybe from my friend's ig or twitter.
lagipun ada sesetengah gambar yang my friend letak kt status whatsapp , maybe she's the one who view my friend's status . we dont know the truth yet .
this girl also layan ramai lelaki which is boyf orang . pity my friend bcs ramai ingt dia yang melayan apa semua but srsly ni semua fitnah .
i hope u guys who read this pls report the account and dont flirt or fall in love with this fake girl . my friend pun dah ade boyf and this case melibatkan maruah dgn relay dia jugak .
i harap korang semua berhati hati sebab this kind of ppl maybe taksuka u guys or maybe dendam ke we dont know . kkdg kawan sendiri pun snggup buat mcmtu . ya ppl nowadays .
i hope this thread dah jelaskan semuanya and pls do dm me if there's information that u guys can share . again , thankyouu very much for reading this . apa apa pertanyaan boleh dm .
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