Original thread we're discussing was meant to encourage America that we'll rebuild- businesses are about the people who build them & true entrepreneurs will rebuild. I agree, but the cost of rebuilding is devastating & not everyone can do it. May mean years of loss, if ever again https://twitter.com/buske_natalie/status/1260898237298466816
"The Collective"
Communists don't mind destroying the individual to control the collective.
Non-communists usually have a strong conscience if individuals are destroyed, but sometimes people are quick to dismiss the losses of individuals if the collective is "fine".
God sees all.
Even though I agree with the overall rally cry that America will rebuild, I focus on the individual. I will throw my 2 cents in to encourage that entrepreneurs can rebuild an even better life, but as pointed out- not everyone's circumstances are the same. I didn't have resources,
I was taking care of Mom, who later died. My firstborn was leaving for college, & the whole reason I lost my job (in-home teaching studio) was because my husband lost his (we had to sell house and move). Company husband worked for moved to Canada, when his industry wasn't hiring-
So he couldn't just "get another job" or build a business out of thin area. Prolonged employment takes its toil. We didn't have any money to invest in me building a new business. We focused on getting him launched into a new career, which ended up with him back in college for new
career altogether. His old job "wasn't coming back". Obama was right. So, anyway... while it's true that people can- and will- rebuild, it may take many years, and some will not be able to do it at all. INDIVIDUALLY some will struggle indefinitely. Collectively? We'll bounce back
As a nation, we can be reassured that collectively we'll come back strong.
đź’”As individuals, we are heartbroken, knowing that some of our fellow citizens have lost everything they've build up, and may not be able to rebuild... or it may take many years of struggle. It is not fair
It's difficult to put into a single tweet the two lines of thought, so unfortunately it may look like "we will rebuild stronger" is easy, & throws individuals off the bridge. But hopefully what Americans mean: our nation won't be lost as a whole, thank God... yet, đź’” for people.
I'd never wish my family's rebuilding journey on anyone. "What the enemy meant for evil, God turns it for good" doesn't mean we delight in evil. I feel grateful for the journey forward, but will never agree that NAFTA was fair or good. It was destructive, unfair- meant to destroy
So here we are again. This lockdown unfairly destroys small businesses and entrepreneurs, as well as hurting many others who were laid off. Their journey to rebuild their lives will hopefully be blessed and will bring them success, but even if- the lockdown will never be pardoned
God bless all who are going through a hardship.
May you feel strength and courage to get through each uncertain day, and know that seasons pass. Pain dulls over time, and life can begin anew, maybe in a surprising direction that gives you joy.
Peace be with you.
/end thread/
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