hmm... rt for a chinese name i think would fit you
@sw1tchbIades hmm this took me a LONG time to think about. i say 如彤 (rutong) bc you radiate chaotic energy and this literally translates to “like red”. it actually means happiness and cheerfulness though bc red is the lucky color!
@milkg0res you also radiate chaotic energy so i’d say something simple like 樂晴 (leqing) which means “joy + sunshine” aka cheerfulness !!
@dokiyeri this is really hard to explain but somehow you just radiate the vibes of 雨茜 (yuqian) which means gentleness. (the first character means rain) usually names are sorta contradictory to the person lol so i think this fits
@phasesofvenus_ you give me 子懷 (zihuai) vibes. it means “son + embrace” although lmao the name’s actual meaning means caring and almost motherly haha
@aprincesskiss idk you but from first impression you seem like a 芷柔 (zhirou) which means gentle!!
@Soft_Amor you give me the vibe of 如妍 (ruyan) aka beauty
@deadpsychx I HAVE LITERALLY NO IDEA but i'd say 曦月?(xiyue) it means sunlight + moonlight so basically gracefulness and cheerfulness
@ScarlettStrider this is hard um i'd say 靜涵 (jinghan) which means gracefulness (quiet + enveloping/embrace)? you just radiate a really formal vibe about you lol
@kassaslut literally can't tell how you are as a person but for now you radiate softness so i'd say 雅雯 (yawen) aka elegant + graceful
@B1TCHC0RE yet another hard one mmm i'd say 秀慧 (xiuhui) which means elegant/fresh(?) and wise. i'm not particularly sure about this one tbh but i think it works?
@gurosaint I LOVE YOU BUT I HONESTLY UH DK so 亦菲 (yifei) might fit? means you're beautiful and you smell good LMAO like flower-like almost and it's more of an elegant name
@stalkingkink i am again not too sure but 語嫣 (yuyan) means beautiful words and i think the overal elegant vibe kinda suits you
@whorephilia i have no clue bc i see much less of your personality in your tweets so more of a random elegant name? i felt like something with the word "cloud" would suit you so 若雲 (ruoyun) meaning cloud-like
@thisonesoftdom FINALLY A DUDE WOFDJKS so i think 俊哲 (junzhe) works? it means "handsome + smart" basically. damn now that i think about it this suits you. hm.
@raccoori hmm i'd say 雨琴 (yuqin) which is "rain + instrument) so it basically means graceful and composed kinda
@ihxtesxxcide this is again hard. i was thinking a cutesy name bc that's really your vibe im sorry

so 美晴 (meiqing)? beauty and sunshine !
@rhianvore doing yours first bc i thought of it real quick.
okay so 宇軒 (yuxuan) includes the first character of "universe" (宇宙) and both words kinda mean "broad". basically it means bright future but i find the overall vibe of the name to be chill. i think it fits your vibe
will stop for now bc idk the other people well !! i might continue this thread later if i feel like it
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