Hoda Katebi, a shill for the Iranian Regime:
-Minimizing 41 years of suffering in November & saying the #IranProtests were for economical reasons.
Watch how her tone changes when saying “middle eastern dictatorships” like that’s the most ridiculous thing she’s heard.
-Cuts off a woman who is trying to bring up how Iranian women are restricted in their freedom just to talk about her trip to Iran & then mock the previous statement by saying the clothes she’s wearing are from Iran & they don’t look “restricting” or “tempting for flogging”...
-Using the same tired argument of literacy rates going up since 1979 as if the Iranian regime should get any credit for that.
Literacy rates went up because in 1967-1977 the number of universities went from 7 to 22.
And the hijab ban she is whining about only lasted for 5 years.
*Iran shoots down a plane with 178 passengers*
@hodakatebi: let’s blame ~America~
-Again, minimizing our people’s voice by claiming the protests were purely because of economic insecurities & US sanctions. Stomping on our people’s shed blood & their already small voices.
Not once has she ever mention our 1500 protesters either.
-To appeal to her gullible left-wing audience, she says that a hetero-normative society was forced on Iran by the west, then puts together the hijab ban (which lasted for 5 years), mandatory Pahlavi hats & current mandatory hijab laws together, minimizing the current situation.
-If you put the Pahlavi hats & the 5 year hijab ban (which was criticized by the west) in the 1930s together, it still would not equate to the barbarism that the current forced hijab laws bring upon our women.
-Showing a screenshot from a comedy movie to give the morality police (which she calls “the fashion police”) a more lighthearted image has got to be the biggest cherry on top.
I’ll insert some real videos of the morality police (see next tweets).
-This is what the morality police is like.
-This is not a “fashion police”. There’s nothing funny or quirky about this.
She also has no problem calling the Israeli & American government a “regime” while we rarely hear her use that word when addressing the Iranian government.
I’d give her the benefit of the doubt & assume she genuinely doesn’t know what “regime” means, but i’m sure she does. :)
-Again, watering down our people’s suffering & the Iranian regime’s crimes against humanity.
Funding billions of dollars to terrorism, billions of our taxpayers’ money going “missing” becomes “mismanagement of funds”.
Really makes you think huh 🤔
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